BTQ Mining Overview

Explore the essentials of BTQ mining on our comprehensive overview page.

Mining BTQ is fundamental to the operation and security of the blockchain network. It rewards those who contribute their computing power to perform cryptographic hashes, which in turn supports the network’s security and utility.

Consensus Algorithm

BTQ utilizes the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithm called RandomX, which is optimized for traditional CPU hardware. This design makes the algorithm more efficient on CPUs, reducing the profitability of other mining devices such as ASICs and GPUs.

Mining Process

Miners operate custom mining software and can use most modern computers to earn rewards for block validation. All mining PCs compete to find new blocks in a race for rewards. When a miner discovers a new block, the entire network moves on to the next block.

Mining Options: Modern processors can mine BTQ using either a full BTQ node or pool mining software like XMR-Stak. The more hashing power a miner contributes, the higher their chances of winning a block. While pool mining generally offers a better chance at finding blocks, solo mining strengthens the BTQ network by running a synced node and verifying transactions.

Solo Mining

Solo mining involves using a BTQ node for mining, where the node’s CPU handles hashing independently. Any block discovered is verified through the locally synced node, enhancing network decentralization. The reward for finding a block solo is significant, although less frequent compared to pool mining.

Pool Mining

Unlike solo mining, a mining pool distributes the workload and rewards among multiple CPUs. Each participant uses mining software that pools efforts to discover new blocks. Rewards are distributed based on the hash rate contributed by each miner to the pool.

Mining Setup: Miners typically configure each PC to direct all rewards to a common mining address, consolidating earnings from multiple devices into one account.

Mining BTQ not only provides an opportunity to earn rewards but also plays a crucial role in maintaining the security and integrity of the blockchain.

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